Getting Started

Let’s walk through core Forknote concepts as we tackle a simple use case.


Forknote uses configuration files to describe the properties of a Cryptonote blockchain. To get started you must download the latest version of Forknote.

Connecting the daemon to a blockchain

To connect to the daemon to existing blockchain, just start forknoted with the corresponding configuration file.

$ ./forknoted --config-file configs/imaginary_blockchain.conf

New blockchains are created by creating new configuration files. Configuration files are created with our blockchain creation form. You can find more about the available configuration options in our documentation.


To connect the daemon to the Dashcoin, start forknoted with its corresponding configuration file:

$ ./forknoted --config-file configs/dashcoin.conf

To connect to the Bytecoin blockchain, start forknoted with its corresponding configuration file:

$ ./forknoted --config-file configs/bytecoin.conf

Starting simplewallet

Simplewallet uses the same configuration file as the daemon.

To start simplewallet:

$ ./simplewallet --config-file configs/imaginary_blockchain.conf


Starting simplewallet for the Dashcoin blockchain:

$ ./simplewallet --config-file configs/dashcoin.conf

Starting simplewallet for the Bytecoin blockchain:

$ ./simplewallet --config-file configs/bytecoin.conf

Mining with miner

miner needs a running and synced daemon.

To start mining:

$ ./miner --daemon-address[DAEMON_RPC_PORT]  --address [WALLET_ADDRESS]


Starting miner for the Dashcoin blockchain:

$ ./miner --daemon-address  --address D6WLtrV1SBWV8HWQzQv8uuYuGy3uwZ8ah5iT5HovSqhTKMauquoTsKP8RBJzVqVesX87poYWQgkGWB4